You can serve this a la mode -or topped with vanilla ice cream. Yummy! I know that granny smith is the typical variety to make this treat and I only have Fuji in my fruit basket. I did make it ,only reducing the liquid component of the filling recipe. Well, this is still good for you!
Saturday, May 19, 2007
You can serve this a la mode -or topped with vanilla ice cream. Yummy! I know that granny smith is the typical variety to make this treat and I only have Fuji in my fruit basket. I did make it ,only reducing the liquid component of the filling recipe. Well, this is still good for you!
Posted by Unknown at 8:10 PM 0 comments
Labels: Test Kitchen
Friday, May 18, 2007
A is for A P P L E ! This versatile fruit is available year round especially in the Philippines. I remember having my Product Identification Class at CIA,gave me quite a challenge in knowing the varieties of apples:granny smith-the cooking apple,Fuji,comice,red delicious and the like. Each kind has it's owncharacteristics. It is highy important for you to know these facts especailly when you are into baking.
"An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away". Remember that saying?! I still believe that consuming atleast 3-5 kinds of fruits everyday aides in having a healthy body. You feel lighter and beautiful if you eat more fruits and vegetables than that of meat. Well, eating desserts after every meal personally perks me up and I must say it is really included in my own food pyramid.
This is a photo of fresh Fuji apples all line up on a almond-shaped wooden bowl. Yes they really look delicious and can be served as simple as it isHave some apple!
Posted by Unknown at 7:32 PM 0 comments
Labels: Insights
Thursday, May 17, 2007
D E S E R T Cake

The buttercream is made of eggs and sugar also cooked in a double boiler until body temperature. Then whip the mixture until the bowl feels cool and looks pale on high speed. Whip in the softened butter at very low speed.You will notice thatthe buttercream looks broken but increasing the speed to medium then to high will reconstitute the volume of the icing. Set it asidecovered.
The filling is just melted dark chocolate bar with a little unsweetened chocolate. For the garnish ,I always have a bowl of chocolate ganache which is a mixture of chocolate and heavy cream which I store in the fridge. I rolled this into balls and dredged it in chopped cashew nuts.Then the name of the cake was born then, I call this the D E S E R T Cake. I just dusted the top with toasted graham flour as the sand, the truffles depicts the rocks. The cake's edge was to plain so instead of putting the usual thin acetate , I used this printed glossy piece of wrapper which complemented the cake well.
Posted by Unknown at 6:59 PM
Labels: Test Kitchen
Pineapple Lighthouse
This treat is perfectly right to end the summer. It is still humid and all I needed was a refreshing sorbet. This is simply pineapple juice and simple syrup. It can also be served as Granita but it looks good straight out from the plastic cup. If you are to use sweetened pineapple juice, simple syrup can then be omitted. Quenching!
Posted by Unknown at 6:36 PM 0 comments
Labels: From the Fridge
Wednesday, May 16, 2007

This is my next attempt to use my new camera given by my sister Korina! Ate, I really appreciate it!! The recent post wasalso to discover the features of blog tool. It is not that expensive but I think I will be able to use this for my photo shooting formy upcoming business-school and cafe!
This bowl of cookies was especially made for the family's trip to Hong Kong. I wanted to prepare atleast three kinds that everybody loves.Ofcourse chococlate chip-raisin, easy macaroons and oatjacks. I also thought of creating a lunch box with these treats to highlight thespecial textures cookies and bars have. I used half cake flour and half all purpose flour for the choco chip wich give a very soft and chewy texture.The mini-star-shaped macaroons is a mixture of condensed milk, dessicated coconut and cake flour which is semi-chewy and crunchy. Oatjacks is aa good blend of natural honey,toasted oats,butter and brown sugar. Yummy!
I call the choco-chip-raisin cookie shot, the Tower and Domino. Just applying what I have learned from my food styling class.
Posted by Unknown at 7:34 PM 184 comments